Friday, April 24, 2020

COVID -19 and VUCA

VUCA, an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, a combination of qualities that, taken together, characterize the nature of some difficult conditions and situations. 

COVID -19, could well be an acronym that stands for the adjectives: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous

Amid the VUCA and COVID-19, there has never been such an overwhelming universal longing for optimism and a renewal of Faith, Hope and Charity.

Post COVID 19, Will Faith, Hope and Charity characterise the resilience of the human race? or will our instinctive ‘dated attitude and language’ now embellished with new found ‘coping strategies’ hasten to consolidate all the ‘resources’ that are ‘essential’ to ‘mindless survival’? 

While leaders, administrators and quacks pledge and plead for optimism albeit with dated attitudes and language, the youth are seduced into the boiling frog syndrome. Ever imagined the Earth that we will bequeath to our chand ka tukda

Seek Forgiveness

More than exploiting the optimism and enthusiasm of our young hearts and minds, we as adults are called to fulfil a very grave responsibility - to seek FORGIVENESS - we need to step out of our smug comfort zones and and declare how we have mindlessly messed up the lives of the future generations ... 

The innocence and the good will of young hearts and minds have been trampled upon and we will never ever be able to repair the untold damage we have caused for generations to come.

Monochromatic or Multihued ?

The ‘warrior’  epithet in the recent past, particularly in India, is rather ubiquitous.  Proudly valorised, and one imagines weaponised, and enjoined on all walks of life. This valorization could well be a misguided and monochromatic view of life, reduced to a myopic ‘win or lose’ vision of life as a pursuit for mindless survival ...


IF and LIE - rather curiously make up a fifty and seventy-five percent respectively of the word, LIFE! Life with all its ‘IFs and LIEs’ invites us to embrace the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous and journey on in a human and humane way of being and having.

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